Veterinary pharma

Veterinary medicine – veterinary medicinal products
Translations with a particular challenge
The complex texts from veterinary medicine sometimes differ significantly and sometimes only slightly from those used in human medicine for:
- Terminology
- Meaning of terms
- Abbreviations
- Descriptions.
This results in dangerous pitfalls when translating veterinary texts and documents. Imprecise translations can lead to incorrect interpretations of the texts with serious consequences.
mpü project management service
- Our own expert veterinary team
- Extensive knowledge and experience in veterinary medicine
- Covering the areas of pets and livestock
- Considering all of the subtleties of these subject areas
In this way, mpü guarantees you high quality and correct translations in the special fields of veterinary medicine.
Whether it’s pets or livestock, the mpü experts cover all subject areas.
Documents in veterinary medicine
mpü covers the whole range of translations that may be needed in veterinary medicine, such as
- Protocols
- Final clinical study reports (CSR)
- Registration dossiers
- Summary of product characteristics (SmPC)
- Labelling and packaging
- Product monographs
- Veterinary reports
- Scientific publications
- Marketing material
- etc.